Tuesday, May 21, 2013

activity based teaching strategy.


  • In 1993, Betts and Liow In 1993, Betts and Liow called for a shift from traditional ‘chalk and talk’ teaching methods to ‘active learning’ for construction student.
  •  David Horsburg -Founder of activity based teaching strategy.

What is an Activity Based Teaching Strategy?
· * It is a method in which the child is actively involved   both mentally and physically. Learning by doing is the main focus in this method which a learner can remember for longer duration.

Another Defination:
1. Learner is actively engaged in a task and learners learn by doing.
2. Points toward the learner’s active learning role. 
3. Makes learner do more than just listening and studying.
4. Learners implicate creating and storing knowledge.

Principles of Activity Based Learning.

  • Activity based teaching is a learner centered approach. 
  •  Emphasis on experience learning
  • Activity based teaching promotes acquisition of social skills by providing opportunities for learner to work cooperative and collaboratively.
  •  It provides potential and creatively in individuals.
  • Activity based teaching encourages the union of work and play. 
  •  Uses child friendly educational aids to foster self learning.


Kinds of learning Activities:

There are three types of learning activity and they are;

    1. Exploratory:  “exploratory learning”   is done through observation and searching information where learner just needs to absorb on what teacher is teaching.

2. Constructive: constructive learning”  is basically done through experiment where it mainly focus on hands on learning. 

b 3.  Expressional: “expressional type of learning “ is done through sharing information and articulating with each other in form of role play, presentation etc.

   I. Can be used in all the subjects.
  II. Promotes better understanding of a lesson as it is learning by doing.
 III. Ethics are usually formed when using activity based.
 IV. Enhance Self efficacy in child.
  V. Opportunities to work independently and in groups.
 VI. It inspires the students to apply their creative ideas, knowledge and minds in solving problems.

 I. Low efficiency students cannot take active participation.
 II. Learner would lose interest and become inactive in the discussion.
 III. Lengthy procedure and requires (flawless) perfect planning.
 IV. Focusing on activity to make learning fun can actually hamper those students. 

Criteria for organizing activity.
1. What activity to do?
2. Why or what for you want for them to do that activity?
3. How do you want to go about doing the activity and what do you want them to avoid?
4. Where do you want them to do the activity?
5. How long the activity should last?
6. How should the students work individual, in pairs, or in a group?
7. What you want them to do with finished work? 

Purpose of activity based learning.
  •       An activity is said to be the language of the child.
  •          Improve social skills
  •          Encourage self learning.
  •          Make the learner do more than just listening and studying
  •         Greater knowledge retention and high level performance.
  •         Active problem solving by students
  •          It enhances creative aspect of experience
  •        Provides varied experiences to the students to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge, experience, skills and values.     
  •       Builds the students self-confidence and develops understanding through works. 
  •      Effective in all the subjects.

Steps For Activity-based learning.

1. Planning.
Teacher need to plan before hand, what activity is going to give to his his/her students and how to group them. While planning an activity to students we have to think of what? When? How? Where? And why?

2. Instruction.
Ensure you give clear information before each activity. For each activity ensure you follow the principles of, what? How? With whom? Where? How long? What after?

3. Check the understanding of the instruction.
Let any of them to repeat what you have instructed them to do.

4. Organizes/ Monitoring.
Go around the class, involve the children in the learning process and guide them if necessary.

5. Follow up.
Let your student to present their points/views to the class.

6. Evaluation.
Evaluate the students work and pass the judgment according to their needs.


1. Planner
2. Decision maker
3. Facilitator
4. Knowledge imparter
5. Organizer/Evaluator
6. Disciplinarian.

Role of the student.
  1.  Active participation.
  2.  More interaction in collaboration with others.
  3.  Discussion (discourse) and research. 
  4.   Confident and well prepared.      
  5. Involved in the program flow.